
Some useful aliases
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Autor:  Sephiroth [ 18. März 2008 00:29 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Some useful aliases

kick {
  tokenize 32 $iif($1,$1-,# $1-)
  if (*?!*?@?* iswm $2) {
    var %ial = $ialchan($2,$1,0),%c = $1,%r = $3-,%n
    while (%ial) { %n = $ialchan($2,$1,%ial).nick | !kick %c %n %r | dec %ial }
  else { !kick $1- }
; /kick [chan] <nick|mask> [reason]
; kick alias where you don't need to specified the channel, kick masks

alias age { return $int($calc($calc($ctime - $ctime($1)) / $calc(60 * 60 * 24 * 365.25))) years }
; $age(date of birth)
; returns age in years

alias makepass { if ($1 isnum) && ($isid) { var %i = 0,%r,%c | while ($1 > %i) { inc %i | %r = $r(1,3) | if (%r == 1) { %c = %c $+ $r(a,z) $+ $iif($prop == space, ) } | elseif (%r == 2) { %c = %c $+ $r(A,Z) $+ $iif($prop == space, ) } | else { %c = %c $+ $r(0,9) $+ $iif($prop == space, ) } } | return $replace(%c, ,$chr(32)) } }
; $makepass(length of password)
; returns a password with the length X

alias banclear { var %b = 0,%m,%n | while %b < $ibl($chan,0) { inc %b | %n = %n $ibl($chan,%b) | %m = %m $+ -b | if $numtok(%n,32) == 6 { mode $active %m %n | set %m | set %n } } | if %n { mode $active %m %n } | echo $color(notify) -at Removing bans. | mode $active +b }
;; Banclear

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